Sunday, January 27, 2008


We love Christmas!!! It is a month of nothing but parties and food!!! It gets more fun every year! My girls get so excited!! They would tell me everyday what they WANT for Christmas! It is so hard to try and teach your kids that Christmas is about giving =) But, by the time Christmas is over, I'm ready for it to be over. I want to take my tree down on Dec. 26th and get my house back together again!!!! This year in our families traditional acting out of the nativity. Sadie got to be baby Jesus and my other two girls were angels. They loved it. Kylie is so shy. She doesn't want to look out directly at the family staring at her, and tries not to smile. Its hilarious!!! Hailey just eats up the attention. It seemed like we made cookies every other day for neighbors, ward cookie exchange, a family cookie exchange, the neighborhood party and of course for SANTA!!! I definitely didn't take off any baby weight in the month of December!!! We have a family tradition that I love. On Christmas eve, Derek and I wake up the girls when Santa is at our house and we spy on him!! This year I even got a picture!! The girls wanted a picture to prove to their friends that they saw SANTA!! They get so excited and so scared!!! Over all, It was a great Christmas!!!

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