We went on our annual family vacation and camped on the beach. It was the 21st year of doing this crazy thing. But, my family loves it. Dereks mom Pat came with us this year and that was a BIG HELP!!! Sadie did great! She is such a good girl and adjusts to life great wherever we are!

Here are all the kids at the campsite going for a walk!

This is the last day we were all there (except for Summers family). We are all dirty but happy and tan!

Kylie was learning to boogie board this year and loved it. Its great because now Derek has someone to play with and isn't always dragging me into the water. =)

Here is Hailey playing with a sand crab! They would spend hours looking and playing with them!

Heres grandma and grandpa relaxing and eating on the beach!

Grandma Pat keeping in touch with home.

Look at this cute girl and her cute chocolate lips!

Adorable Hailey on the beach! What a cute little body she has!

Of course the boys found a triathlon to do while we were there. It was at Camp Pendleton! They loved it. It was fun to do one somewhere else besides Tempe.

The kids all thought it was cool to see military men. Although these particular guys weren't that nice. It was very disappointing.

Lego land was a great time! It was Derek's first time. Sadie did wonderful as well. It was another great vacation!
Heather...so random that you are connected somehow to Amy and Casey Gooch. I went to college with them both and I was Amy's roomate for a short while. I was there when they met and dated. Anyway I noticed you had commented on a post of hers about a system of mine. I am Amy Napier now. Small world. Looks like life is great for you. I am also on her blog. We are four blogs down from yours on her families site. How are you guys connected? Who knew?
Amy Dillon Napier
Wow that looked like a great socal trip. Every time I see you guys doing a triathalon, I keep feeling that I'm missing out somehow. Maybe someday I'll get myself in gear and join in
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