Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Are we surviving?

Well in the past week and a half we've suvived 1. The ironman (which is crazy busy and emotionally exhausting)three days 2. A trip to California 3. Thanksgiving 4. Black friday shopping day 5. A baby shower at my house 6. My sister had twins 7. My brother and his wife had a baby girl 8. My mother n laws birthday. All these major events on top of the every day activities like swim practice, piano, grocery shopping,music class, gymnastics etc. etc. etc. Life is soooooooooooo crazy busy. BUT, it couldnt get any better!! I'm so thankful to have such a great family!


Auburn said...

AHHH! How busy. Loved seeing the pictures of the iron man! Way to go Rogers fam ;o)

Tracey said...

Wow.... that is a crazy week! I thought I was busy.